Dream Big
Live Simply

Join me as I share my journey to creating a life I can be proud of

Welcome Friends!

My name is Vicki, I’m a seasoned traveler with a passion for nature and sustainable living. From exploring breathtaking landscapes to embracing a minimalist lifestyle, nature underpins everything I do.

Rejecting the Rat Race, Embracing the open road.

Gone are the days of chasing the “hustle”. I’ve chosen a simpler, slower pace, living life on the road with my loyal companion, Meegan the cairn terrier. This website is your haven for all things nature, sustainable travel, and creating a life you love.

Be a part of the solution

Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or just starting to dream, this community is for you. Get inspired by my experiences, discover tips and resources, and let’s explore way to enrich our lives and protect the environment.

Work With Me

Calling All Sustainable Brands! Inspire Eco-Conscious Adventurers.

The Digital Drifter connects passionate tiny-living travelers with brands that prioritize nature and sustainable living. We create authentic, engaging content that inspires our audience to explore responsibly and leave a positive impact.

Ready to collaborate? Download our media kit to learn how we can help you reach eco-conscious adventurers on their next big project.

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